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Język Polski

March 2014, Poland - Ecolabels

On 12th March 2014, the participants of the project took part in the meeting on the subject "Ecolabels". The meeting was held by Mrs Bożena Bućwińska.

The EU Ecolabel helps you identify products and services that have a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw material through to production, use and disposal. Recognised throughout Europe, EU Ecolabel is a voluntary label promoting environmental excellence which can be trusted.

From the raw materials to manufacturing, packaging, distribution and disposal, EU Ecolabel products are evaluated by independent experts to ensure they meet criteria that reduce their environmental impact. The EU Ecolabel is an easy way to make an informed choice about the products you’re buying.

Click on thumbnail to enlarge

The scheme is voluntary, but hundreds of companies across Europe have joined up because of EU Ecolabel’s competitive edge and commitment to the environment. Customers can rely on the logo because every product is checked by independent experts.

The functioning of the EU Ecolabel is set through a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council. Its daily management is carried out by the European Commission together with bodies from the Member States and other stakeholders.

The life cycle of a product begins with extraction – the mining or cultivation of the raw materials, such as cotton (for textiles) or wood (for paper products). It continues with manufacturing and packaging, distribution, use and finally the “end of life” stage, when the product is disposed of or recycled.

There are a number of other ecolabel schemes in Europe. The EU Ecolabel and national ecolabels coexist well. The EU Ecolabel Regulation requests that Member States and the European Commission ensure coordination between the EU Ecolabel and other national schemes, particularly in the selection of product groups and the development and revision of the criteria. The EU Ecolabel and these labels are developing a policy of cooperation and coordination. When a product has been awarded both a national ecolabel and the EU Ecolabel, you will find the two logos displayed side by side on the product.

We have learned what the following Ecolabels mean: – [download]


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